Success stories from the people who have had their big breaks are common but the people we don’t tend to hear so much about, are the stories from people who are following in their footsteps.
The people who have chosen not to give up on the dream and are starting from the bottom to work their way up.
DJ Limit aged 18 and originally from Norwich has been pursuing a career as a DJ and music producer for the past three years. In a Q&A with him, the rising Dj talks about the self doubt of being a beginner, what pushes him on and what holds him back.
Q- When did you become a DJ/Music producer?
A- I’ve always had an ear for music and have always wanted to do something music related as a career but 2 years ago I started to make my own music, not very well of course due to no knowledge of the software I was using but i was trying. A year later I met my sister’s new boyfriend who was a hardcore DJ. So I got behind the decks and poorly attempted to copy him. Since then I’ve been producing 3 years and Djing in clubs for a year.
Q- Can you remember the moment in your life that made you want to DJ?
A- I remember the exact moment when I heard demo sessions by Dj Clarkey and J Delirious with three super talented MC’s; Leggett, Mono and Shutts. Hearing that made me realise that this is what I want to do, hearing the energy these guys have just made me realise I need to feel that myself.
‘If you work hard you WILL be rewarded’
Q- What’s the hardest part of starting from the bottom and working your way up?
A- In the scene I’m in, the issue is breaking through and showing your willing to work and help push other up and comers as well as yourself. There is a lot of respect for other artists in the scene and if you help them they will help you. It’s only a struggle if you make it a struggle, if you work hard you WILL be rewarded.
Q- How do you deal with self-doubt?
A- I’m the worst there’s always something that puts me down whether it’s with production or nerves before a set but I normally break through these and the outcome makes me forget about the doubt.

Q- Why do you choose to pursue a career Djing and not a ‘normal’ 9-5 job?
A- The feeling of playing music I love to people who love it just as much is a feeling I cannot explain and I live for that feeling.
Q- Could you ever see yourself giving up on Djing and settling for a stable job?
A- I wouldn’t say I’d give it up but if one day I decide to have children I’m sure I’d have to cut down and balance family life with my Djing.
‘Don’t give up and never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough’
Q- Who are your inspirations?
A- I would say a good friend of mine DJ Jakka-b, seeing what a single person can do to a music genre whether it’s putting on events such as Hardcore Raveolution or when he’s in the studio making some amazing music.
Q- What is the main thing that pushes you on to getting your dream job?
A- Knowing that I’m putting smiles on peoples faces doing what I love and do best.
Q- Do you have any advice on whether people should follow their dream career or choose a more stable one?
A- Listen to what people with experience tell you but only take bits of what they tell you and work on what makes sense to you otherwise you will worry and doubt yourself. Work on the advice that applies to you. Don’t give up and never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough, you are your own biggest fan!
Dj Limit plans to continue pursuing his ultimate goal of playing on the HTID (Hardcore Til I Die) main stage. ‘I have some big plans for future events and also projects with other Djs and MC’s.’
His plans include his very own event coming up this April 1st at The Music Box, Salisbury which is set to be a great night. Details for it can be found below: